Saturday, May 26, 2012

The latest creation :-)

Well, things have been rather quiet on the blogging front recently, as I've had a baby! Evan Jay Rees was born on the 11th April weighing 8lb 1oz. Its been a whirlwind since then as life adjusts to rather different routine! Managing to do a smidgen of work around the feeding and changing..... but its going to be a little while before I'm working full time again. The cuddles and smiles make it all worthwhile though :-)

There'll be a couple of posts following letting you know about a couple of things, but in the meantime, here's a picture of my beautiful baby boy.....

Evan on the way home from hospital, 5 days old.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I see you have started him off right, with a lovely blanket...
