Sorry for the extended silence on this blog..... just been too busy! Hopefully over the next week or so I'll have a bit of a flurry of blogging to update you on all that's going on for me at the moment.
But to begin, for those of you in the UK, do watch this Fridays episode of
Mastercrafts on
BBC2 at 9pm.... dedicated to weaving. The lovely
Margo Selby is the master crafts person leading the novices through their introduction to weaving. (Am guessing that those outside of the UK may be able to watch it after its aired on the BBC iplayer service?)
A series such as this looking at craftsmanship in a serious way is long overdue. I've really enjoyed the previous episodes and as a result have developed something of a need to go exploring green wood and blacksmithing!
Margo did come to interview me with her novices at the beginning of filming last October in Origin and apparently a snippet of me has made the programme. Am more than a little worried as I'm neither photogenic or comfortable on camera so I'll be watching that bit through my fingers!
Anyway, just make sure you bookmark it!
Can't wait!